From Our Team

Throughout the month of October we looked closely at the three major hormonal cycles (menstruation, maternity, and menopause) - or as we like to call them: the 3 Ms - in order to be part of the conversation to break the taboo surrounding them, especially within the beauty industry.  As we have...
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These types of losses are often brushed under the rug and rarely spoken about openly because they are seen as taboo and have been viewed negatively in many cultures, which takes a huge emotional toll on those experiencing them. Women and their partners may feel guilty, ashamed, alone, or as if they...
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Not everyone has the same experience so we feel lucky that we are able to share diverse stories from women of all walks of life. We want to continue celebrating periods and all parts of the 3Ms so we can work towards fighting the stigma surrounding these quintessential parts of womanhood. While...
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Being a mother is hard! There are so many unexpected challenges during this time and newfound stress, sleep deprivation, and continuous hormonal fluctuations don’t exactly help as you navigate your way through motherhood. All of these factors can greatly affect your physical and emotional state of being, including the way your skin...
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I’m lucky to have met some of my closest friends through a rec sports team that I played on in college. We went from teammates to best friends quickly, and even became roommates. When we graduated, we quite literally spread out across the country - each of us lives in a different...
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The 3 M’s refer to a woman’s major hormonal cycles: menstruation, maternity, and menopause. Our Knours products have been thoughtfully and innovatively crafted to maintain skin wellness during these important stages of womanhood. We want you to really know your skin (hence the name Knours) and to feel confident and beautiful no...
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