Sweet Rescue Calming Hydration Duo

Availability: In Stock

Nothing is better than a soothing remedy to calm and hydrate unpredictable and blemish-prone skin, especially during that time of the month. Treat the root of the problem with our rosewater-based trouble-treatment & prevention duo.

Includes Sweet Rescue Bubble Burst Serum & Sweet Rescue Nourishing Mask 5 Pack

Sweet Rescue Calming Hydration Duo

Sweet Rescue Calming Hydration Duo

$43 $38

Sweet Rescue Calming Hydration Duo

$43 $38

At-Home Care for a Chokchok Glow.

Our cult favorite, luxurious, microfiber mask is an easy diy facial in a pouch. Combined with our patented technology Bubble Burst Serum, you have the perfect blend of calming products to complete your much-deserved spa day at home.


Sweet Rescue Bubble Burst Serum | Sweet Rescue Nourishing Mask 5 Pack


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