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From Our Team

A Celebration of Friendship

by Cheryl Kim 30 Jul 2021

Happy International Day of Friendship! The UN established this holiday in 2011 to recognize the importance of respecting diversity and international understanding. It is also a day that is meant to promote peace among various cultures, countries, and peoples and to strengthen community relationships.

In honor of this holiday we reached out to our Knours Kommunity and asked them to share their friendship stories with us. Friendship (like any relationship really) doesn’t come without its challenges and as women, it is important to support one another through everything life throws at us! From celebrating each other’s successes and failures to navigating long-distance and everything in between, these women give us a glimpse into what they love the most about these relationships and how they have stood the test of time. 


I am lucky to have made so many great female friendships, especially throughout college and now medical school. Although my friends and I are spread out around the world, we are always there for each other, especially when one of us is going through a difficult time. We have also managed to maintain our tradition of watching the Bachelor/Bachelorette together and always share our thoughts with each other afterwards. I love being able to meet up with my friends whether it be in D.C., NYC, or Philly and picking up right where we left off almost as if no time has passed since we were last together. 


As an only child, my female friends are the closest things I have to sisters. Like with any family, I can tell them anything and know I will be supported. Spending time together feels natural and we always have fun whether we are taking trips around the country or just grabbing a coffee.


My friendships with women are undoubtedly my most important ones. The women in my life keep me grounded and know nearly everything about me - they don’t judge, they give great advice, and we are always there to support one another in our successes and in our moments of distress, sadness or even failure. I find that my girlfriends are my family and without them there is no way I could have made it through difficulties in my life. I think that our communication and our ability to even be supportive when we aren’t seeing one another everyday is the most important way my friends and I keep our friendships strong.


Something that I love about my friendships is that no matter how far apart we are, whether we speak often or not, I know that they’ll always show up for me the way that I would show up for them. We’re all busy growing into successful women, but we support each other through it all. It’s pure love.


I am fortunate to have made many amazing female friendships throughout my life. One of my most cherished friendships is with my best friend who I met in college. We met briefly at a party one night freshman year and then found ourselves in the same summer study abroad program and connected instantly. We don't get to see each other often in person because we live on opposite sides of the country, but when we do hang out we spend hours together and are able to pick up right where we left off. We have created a safe space between us where we can share random memes, talk about anything, are always honest with and supportive of the other person, comfortable sitting in silence, laugh A LOT, and are always there to give advice, lend an ear, or be a shoulder to cry on. We have been through so many ups and downs together and I can’t wait to see how each of us and our friendship continue to grow! 


I met one of my best friends on a random night in college and we have been inseparable ever since. It was like an instant connection - even when life sucks she puts a smile on my face. We both have the same goofy sense of humor and every time we hang out we belly laugh at least three times. It is truly a relationship that I cherish.

I also have a friend that I work on the same team as. At first we were both a bit worried that working together would impact our friendship, but I think it has brought us closer and has added an additional layer to our relationship. Seeing a message from her in the middle of work always brightens my day! I’m so lucky to work with such an amazing, kind, intelligent person and I am grateful to know her!


I have found that every close friendship has its own language and some barely need words at all to show how much two people care about each other. One of my best friends and I have created something just like this. A consistent and intimate line of communication over many long-distance years has allowed us to develop a style of talking that never makes us feel pressured to say more than one word and simultaneously allows us to express how we are always there for each other. If I call, she always answers and vice versa. If I’m down, I send an agreed upon safe word to let her know that I’m thinking of her but don’t feel up to saying much more than that. There is no judgement or pressure; only love, care, and support. Our own special language of friendship.


I’m lucky to have met some of my closest friends through a rec sports team that I played on in college. We went from teammates to best friends quickly, and even became roommates. When we graduated, we quite literally spread out across the country - each of us lives in a different state, pursuing our own career interests and goals. Though we’ve all taken different paths, I know that I can rely on each of them to support and encourage me, through good times and bad. I constantly admire these strong women, even from afar, and am so happy we can take on life’s biggest moments together! 

Thank you to everyone who submitted their stories! We hope you all can celebrate your own friendships today.

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